Sunday, March 1, 2009

What is the blog "Bums to Bloggers"

Have you ever asked yourself the questions, “How do the homeless survive?, Why are they homeless? What made them the way they are? What do they do all day? What kind of family did they come from? Do they prefer to be called Bums or Homeless people? How long since they have had a place to live? Do they like their lives? Where is their family? What illnesses do they have? How often do they beg for money? Are they truthful with their signs that plead for money? What do they do if they get sick? What are their religious beliefs? Do they vote? What are their political stances? To what do they attribute their current situation? What jobs have they had? Do they have a plan to get off the street? What can I do to help? Are they hungry? Do they have children? Who, what, when, why, where and how?

In summary with regards to the homeless or bums, I want to know their stories and because I don’t’ know, and I think it will be a good experience to find out, I have decided to create a blog that documents my journey to answer these questions. I came up with this idea on February 27, 2009 and that story can be found on my personal blog. Due to the overwhelming response (an astounding 9 comments in all) I got from my friends and the homeless alike I have decided to go forward with this idea. My plan is simple, over the next 3 years, wherever I go I will talk to these people and do my best to find out their story and with their permission I will blog about it. In all of this I hope there is something I can do to help them, for my heart hurts when I see such suffering that I have been blessed enough to not know.

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